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Have you ever wondered if your writing is unique?

Nowadays, you can find information on any topic in a matter of seconds. There are numerous articles, guides, & blog posts written on the same topic. That’s why it’s important to make sure your content is plagiarism-free.

According to Wikipedia, “plagiarism is the representation of another person’s language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one’s own original work.”

And when it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), plagiarism can have serious consequences. Today, we’ll explain the negative impacts of plagiarism on your site’s ranking, & how to detect & remove it.

How to Check Plagiarism?

Detecting plagiarism in your work isn’t difficult.

You only need one thing: an online plagiarism checker tool.

There are plenty of free tools available on the internet. Choose a reliable tool having a user-friendly interface.

Once you choose the tool, upload your work on it & press the “Check Plagiarism” or any other similar button. The tool will scan your work against other articles & deliver a comprehensive report. It’s easy peasy!

Effects of Plagiarism on SEO

▪ Hurt Your Ranking

Copying someone else’s words is a big NO for any business. If you do this, your website will likely rank lower in search results. In some cases, your website might even disappear from search results completely.

Search engines like Google don’t like plagiarism. Even if you accidentally copy a small part, it can still hurt your website.

The best thing to do? Always try your best to write original content.

▪ People Stop Trusting You

If you copy others’ work, people won’t trust your website. They want unique & helpful information. If they find you copied, they’ll stop visiting & might even tell others.

The end results?

This will hurt your reputation.

▪ Legal Penalties

Plagiarism can cause legal problems. The original creator can sue you for copyright infringement. Search engines, on the other hand, might penalize your site. This way, readers will not be able to find your site.

▪ People Leave Your Website Quickly

People want unique, valuable content. If they see you copied, they’ll leave quickly. This increases the bounce rate, which signals search engines your content isn’t good. This hurts your website’s ranking.

▪ Missed Growth Opportunities

Plagiarism can have long-term consequences which can harm your site’s SEO, reputation, & growth. Plagiarism-free content helps you build a good reputation & connect with your audience.

Without original content, your website won’t grow as much.

How to Remove Plagiarism from Your Content? Proven Tips & Tricks

Eliminating plagiarism from your text isn’t easy. But don’t worry; we’re going to share some simple ways to make your content unique. These tips will really work:

1. Start with Research, End with Original Writing

First, you need to read multiple sources to understand the topic. Once you get a general overview of the topic, close all tabs on the Windows. Now dive into the writing phase. This step helps you write in your own style rather than copying others’ words, phrases, & even sentences.

2. Take Notes

While doing research, avoid copy-pasting text from sources. Instead, write down the key points in your own words. It’s just like explaining something to your friend in your individual language. It is one of the best steps to keep your writing unique & interesting.

3. Paraphrase Text Efficiently

Some students are good at paraphrasing, while others struggle to do so. Well, paraphrasing isn’t so difficult. All you need to do is use different sentence structures & replace words with the right synonyms without changing the original meaning of the text. This way, you’ll be able to make your writing different from other sources.

4.  Tweak the Structure

What if you’ve to work with similar information as other sources? Present it in a different order. How? Change the structure of the text to give it a new look. It would be best to break down long sentences into shorter, more manageable ones.

5. Quote & Cite Sources Properly

Sometimes, you’ve to use experts’ quotes. That’s okay! But remember, these aren’t your words; put these words in quotation marks & give credit to the original author. It shows that you respect the author.

6. Add Your Own Personal Touch

Incorporating your relevant experience into the content to make it unique & more impactful. For example, you could add this type of personal experience: “When I tried this method, I noticed my writing flowed better” This shows readers & search engines that your content is original & relevant.

7. Use Simple Language

Most often, plagiarism happens when you’re trying to be too fancy. Sometimes, writers use complicated words & phrases to be smart. Avoid doing this! This can turn readers away from your site. Use simple, everyday language so that even a layman can easily understand what you’re trying to say. It would be best to use active voice sentences.

8. Read Your Work Loud

This might sound silly, but reading your text loud helps you spot parts that don’t sound naturally. While reading, if you feel, then rewrite that section in a more human-friendly manner. Make sure your content flows naturally.

9. Double-Check with Plagiarism Checkers

Once you finish writing, run your work through an online plagiarism checker. If the tool flags your content for plagiarism, go back & rewrite those parts using the tips above. Keep checking it until your content is “Plagiarism-Free.”

10. Use Online Plagiarism Removers

If you try to rewrite the content multiple times, but the plagiarism checker still raises red flags, you don’t need to worry. An online plagiarism fixer helps you fix plagiarism by breaking down the structure of the text & substituting words with appropriate synonyms without changing the original intent. This way, your content becomes plagiarism-free. Review & edit the output to make it sound natural.


Plagiarism is bad for your site’s health. It can damage your search engine ranking, spoil your professional reputation, & even get you into legal trouble. To avoid plagiarism, write content in your own words, research thoroughly, & use tools to check the authenticity of your content. By following the ten tips, you can eliminate plagiarism from your content & build a strong online presence.

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